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We Are



  Our club, the Mandarin Home and Community Educators Club, is a group of friends and neighbors who come together to learn and share the knowledge with others, have fun together, share meals and projects which are decided by the Club. We meet monthly with an educational program presented by club members. We enjoy the member-to-member relationships with each other and find pleasure in being with others who share mutual interests and common concerns.




FAHCE (Florida Association for Home and Community Education) members are friends, neighbors, family members and colleagues who take an active role in volunteering in their community while greatly increasing their personal and professional lives. Members belong to a local club (Mandarin Home and Community Educators) which is made up of a diverse group of individuals from the community which our club serves. Mandarin HCE convenes on a monthly basis to share talents, develop skills and gain knowledge from an educational program presented by club leaders.


The mission of Mandarin Home and Community Educators Club is to strengthen individuals, families, and communities through education, leadership, and action.

Club members are volunteers and the work performed is a valuable community resource. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida in Gainesville receives reports of the contribution that we each make and are used in reports to the State and National governments. You will be recognized for your volunteering efforts.

You will have many opportunities to continue your education in a practical way, develop and demonstrate leadership skills, participate in community action projects, as well as enjoying the social and cultural aspects of our club.